• AFES - Association Française pour l'Étude du Sol
  • L’AFES est la branche française de l'Union Internationale de Science du Sol (IUSS, International Union of Soil Science)
A European stakeholder survey on soil science skills for sustainable agriculture

A European stakeholder survey on soil science skills for sustainable agriculture

  • 31/03/2024
  • Ressource technique et scientifique
  • Texte brut ou illustré


The European Union’s soil strategy for 2030 has set the objective of achieving ‘healthy soils’ in Europe by 2050. To achieve this ambitious goal, dedicated soil science skills will be needed in the future. This article presents the results of a survey on soil science skills for the future conducted within the framework of the European Joint Program—EJP SOIL. The survey was distributed online in the 24 countries participating in the EJP SOIL. The skills were expressed as having knowledge in particular topics related to soils, practical know-hows...

Participatory soil citizen science: An unexploited resource for European soil research

Participatory soil citizen science: An unexploited resource for European soil research

  • 14/03/2024
  • Ressource technique et scientifique
  • Texte brut ou illustré


Soils are key components of our ecosystems and provide 95%–99% of our food. This importance is reflected by an increase in participatory citizen science projects on soils. Citizen science is a participatory research method that actively involves and engages the public in scientific enquiry to generate new knowledge or understanding. Here, we review past and current citizen science projects on agricultural soils across Europe. We conducted a web-based survey and described 24 reviewed European citizen science projects in the light of the 10 principles of...

Identification of soil-related professional profiles for the future from a survey of European stakeholders

Identification of soil-related professional profiles for the future from a survey of European stakeholders

  • 10/03/2024
  • Ressource technique et scientifique
  • Texte brut ou illustré


Current and future stakeholders and decision-makers involved in agricultural soil management need to develop soil-related skills to meet the challenges of food security and global change in the coming decades. The aim of this study was to identify professional profiles related to the management, conservation and restoration of agricultural soils on the basis of a European stakeholder survey and to relate these profiles to specific and generic skills. Stakeholders from 24 European countries, selected by the national hubs of the European Joint Programme on...

Earthworms – architects of fertile soils

Earthworms – architects of fertile soils

  • 03/01/2022
  • Ressource technique et scientifique
  • Texte brut ou illustré

Earthworms are usually the most abundant soil animals in agricultural soils. They are known to
improve physical, chemical and biological properties of soils. Together with soil microorganisms
they have a great potential to enhance soil fertility.
Although much is known about the general taxonomy and biology of earthworms, knowledge about their impact on soils, their interactions with other soil organisms and the influence of farming practices on their populations is increasing only slowly.
This guide summarises the knowledge on earthworms. It gives an overview of...

Utilisation des méthodes spectrométriques appliquée aux sols

Utilisation des méthodes spectrométriques appliquée aux sols

  • AFES / Ressource technique et scientifique / Webinaires
  • Vidéo
  • Adhérent

Utilisation des méthodes spectrométriques appliquées aux sols La spectrométrie dans les domaines du visible et infrarouge (300-2500 nm) est devenue une technique d’analyse performante. La vitesse des mesures, la capacité d’analyser plusieurs paramètres à la fois et les différents niveaux d’application au laboratoire, au champ, avec l’aéroporté et jusqu’aux satellites, sont ses plus importants atouts. Les exemples présentés se focalisent sur l’application au sein des laboratoires d’analyse agricole ainsi que le potentiel pour la cartographie à haute résolution de...